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Edumetaverse logo

Edumetaverse is a teacher-led passion project that began during the COVID lockdowns. Searching for a way to engage students and inspire them, we began creating virtual classrooms for our own students. Since then, we have created over 100 curriculum filled learning spaces complete with integrated 'project-based learning' packages. A package that not only engages, but also hopefully inspires the next generation.

It's now time to share it with the world.

Worlds and training are now available.

So, what are you waiting for?

For more information on purchasing and becoming an Edumetaverse partner, please contact Edumetaverse here.

Virtual Worlds through a browser

Every world we've built is a living, breathing, working classroom used by our own teachers. We're seeing..

  • Increased student engagement,

  • Improvements in well-being and behaviour

  • Retention of information though PBL.

  • Motivated teachers through training.

    All of this through inspirational project-based learning, blended sessions and a creative use of WebXR, A.I and VR technology. Let us show you how..

Students learning in Edumetaverse classrooms

" Our worlds have the potential to transform education. With just a browser link you can be transported anywhere. What we build one day is in our classrooms the next!"

- Andrew Wright

PBL booklets

"Create, Innovate and Inspire"
Andrew Wright - iTeacher

Andrew Wright, Metaverse Consultant
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