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Blended Learning: Maths & History

Learn the four rules of number by running the most successful market stall in Ancient Rome.

Rome was not built in a day, but your little business can be. Learn about the people of Ancient Rome whilst running your own 'Market Stall' at the Forum Diem. With a budget and a dream, what will you sell? Will it be fruit? Profitable, but easily rotten. Dried fish? Cheap long-lasting, but a little bit disgusting! Otters noses? Yuck! Buy what you need and sell what you don't. These choices and others won't just be yours, but in this world.. those of the entire class. Set up your stalls together. Work collaboratively in groups, or solo to create your brand. Design and create your advertising media and deploy it in the world as you see fit. Buy low, sell high in this Virtual World experience that encourages students to use the four basic rules of math and the concept of money. Scalable from early primary to high school year groups. Innovative, engaging and a complete class experience. No need for a headset the world runs from a Browser on desktop, laptop and iPads. Now available for schools to rent or buy.

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